Mocking Meaning with Examples

Mocking Meaning with Examples


1. Mocking behavior involves laughing at someone or something in an unkind way.

2. A mocking expression or mocking behavior indicates that you think someone or something is stupid or inferior.

3. When you talk to or about someone in a mocking tone, you're making fun of them in a nasty, mean way.


1. The corners of Ilmari's eyes lifted a fraction in slightly mocking concern.

2. It was her unsophisticated way of getting back at them for mocking her.

3. Elsewhere along the parade route, small bands of protesters held mocking signs.

4. Jake just turned his face away and took the mocking and ridicule his brothers dished out.

5. He stepped clear of the two men, and faced the others, a mocking smile on his lips.

6. A mocking laugh arose from somewhere in the passage and echoed loudly and weirdly.

7. And then, as if his brain were mocking him, trying to make it worse, he had a thought.

8. She stood among my other relations mocking me when I no longer spoke Spanish.

9. “You can’t really believe that I would give in so easily,” he said with his mocking tone.

10. There’s music and mocking, teasing nonstop, but when the play begins all the talk ceases.

11. It’s almost as if she were mocking us, since our moods and cares are far from “happy.”

12. It was mocking laughter, and the woman standing there beside him was laughing, too.

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Дата на публикация: 20 декември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: with Meaning Examples Mocking

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