Scandalous Meaning with Examples

Scandalous Meaning with Examples


1. Scandalous behavior or activity is considered immoral and shocking.

2. Scandalous stories or remarks are concerned with the immoral and shocking aspects of someone's behavior or something that has happened.

3. Scandalous describes something that's shocking, and maybe a little embarrassing or even offensive.

4. Making people shocked and upset.


1. For them it was scandalous to speak of ' vision ' in such an ambiguous way.

2. There was talk of some scandalous incident in the sauna, obscene behavior and so forth.

3. Those who tell the truth are often regarded as having done something scandalous.

4. It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.

5. You're not the first person to consider space tourism a scandalous waste of money.

6. The government can't just sit back and ignore this scandalous waste of public money.

7. He added: 'It is scandalous the law allows people to ride on the road without helmets.

8. I was expecting him to come up with something truly scandalous, and he didn't disappoint.

9. Her tongue went to sleep, but that did not stop them from spending a scandalous honeymoon.

10. First, I don’t understand why she thinks it’s so scandalous to be in other people’s kitchens.

11. The result was a scandalous series of scenes in parliament and of courts martial.

12. In my opinion they should be funny, scandalous, or totally unintelligible, in that order.

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Дата на публикация: 20 декември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: with Meaning SCANDALOUS Examples

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