Moron Meaning with Examples

Moron Meaning with Examples


1. A moron is an unkind way to describe someone who is foolish and unintelligent.

2. If you refer to someone as a moron, you think that they are very stupid.

3. A very stupid person.


1. Stupid moron, the chances of me falling for anyone at this party were one in twenty million.

2. Adam's a damn fool, a moron for not realizing what he could be throwing away.

3. Speaking of idiots, Tom proves he is a moron with his comments on antidepressants.

4. They should publicize the names and addresses of these morons so we can all point and laugh.

5. “I wasn’t going to hurt your little four-eyed sister moron brother,” he said, lying through his teeth.

6. All I'm saying, is the Fair Gwen had star quality, and even a total moron can see it.

7. They were exactly the same morons that laugh like hyenas in the movies at stuff that isn't funny.

8. What were you talking to that moron Quentin about? And did I see you holding his hand?.

9. I just want you to know how really great it is to have a brother who’s a complete moron.

10. If any girl calls me a brain, I say, “Better a brain than a pin-headed moron like you.”

11. “Feeblemindedness,” in 1924, came in three distinct flavors: idiot, moron, and imbecile.

12. The big deaf-mute moron whom Singer used to walk with sometimes on the way to work.

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Дата на публикация: 20 ноември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: with Meaning MORON Examples

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