Kara Sevda 19 Axel Rudi Pell - Не казвай ღСбогомღ Don't Say ღGoodbyeღ Nihan ♥ Kemal Special Thrills

Kara Sevda Music Collections - Черна любов Музикална колекция

I do not own the song or clips, nor subtitles, used in this video! Copyrights belong to their rightful owners. This was made only for entertainment and about lyrics knowledge.
Не притежавам песента и клипа, нито субтитрите, използвани в това видео. Правата принадлежат на законните им собственици. Това се прави само за забавление

Axel Rudi Pell & Johnny Gioeli - Don't say ღGoodbyeღ
Kara Sevda 19 Axel Rudi Pell - Не казвай ღСбогомღ Don't say ღGoodbyeღ Nihan ♥ Kemal Special Thrills

The Story continues on / Историята продължава на
Kara Sevda 19 Axel Rudi Pell - Разбитоღ сърце Brokenღ Heart Nihan ♥ Kemal Special Thrills

Axel Rudi Pell - Don't say ღGoodbyeღ
album: The Ballads III [2004]
Axel Rudi Pell and Johnny Gioeli (Don't say goodbye)

Аксел Руди Пел - Не казвай ღСбогомღ
бг превод: https://otkrovenia.com/bg/prevodi/axel-rudi-pell-don-t-say-goodbye
Congratulations / Поздравления

On a cloudy night
I looked outside the window
seeing faces disappear
the wheels of time kept turning
through endless days and nights
I'm hiding my soul from the light

Holding on to the two sides of a coin
I'm blinded by lies
too late to return
Late at night the fire starts to burn
I'm a Prisoner of flames
will I ever learn

We're falling in and outta love
calling our hearts
tears from heaven

Don't say goodbye
Love is forever
and I need you to stay

Don't say goodbye
we're so strong together
don't leave me this way

On and on we searched for Fool's Gold
putting down the trigger of love
Any chance we had is passing by
just too late for another try

Lonely hearts lost fires in the night
the end of our romance's in sight

Repeat Chorus(4 times)

kara, sevda, чeрна, любов, nihan, kemal, neslihan, atagul, burak, ozcivit, thrills, kaan, axel, rudi, pell, goodbye, heart, сбогом, Johnny, Gioeli

Дата на публикация: 29 февруари, 2016
Категория: Музика
Ключови думи: Heart Любов Goodbye Axel Rudi Pell СБОГОМ johnny Thrills Kara Gioeli sevda Kemal Burak kaan neslihan ozcivit atagul nihan чeрна

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