Kara Sevda 19 Axel Rudi Pell - Разбитоღ сърце Brokenღ Heart Nihan ♥ Kemal Special Thrills

Kara Sevda Music Collections - Черна любов Музикална колекция

I do not own the song or clips, nor subtitles, used in this video! Copyrights belong to their rightful owners. This was made only for entertainment and about lyrics knowledge.
Не притежавам песента и клипа, нито субтитрите, използвани в това видео. Правата принадлежат на законните им собственици. Това се прави само за забавление

Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart (Johnny Gioeli's version)
Kara Sevda Axel Rudi Pell - Разбитоღ сърце Brokenღ Heart Nihan ♥ Kemal Special Thrills

Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart
writers: Ole Evenrude, Trond Holter, Peter S Bliss
album: Track 5 in album Wild Obsession 1989
Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart Johnny Gioeli's version (from the album Ballads III) has a little different lyrics
Johnny Gioeli & Axel Rudi Pell - Broken Heart

Аксел Руди Пел - Разбито сърце
бг превод: https://otkrovenia.com/bg/prevodi/axel-rudi-pell-broken-heart

I'm lost in a dream, with a mind's full of sadness,
I remember the good times, that we had in our madness,
frozen tears with illusions of fire,
all of my life was filled with desire

Oh I wish we could go back to where we started,
Love, lost love, you're so cold, cold hearted,
the fire in your eyes gets me out of my mind,
how could it be, that you're so blind

Hunting the shadow, that was lost in the past
like a soldier of fortune, who's life couldn't last,
falling tears, from a love's not in vain
time tells no lies, could our love come back again

Don't leave me alone
with my broken heart
can't you see, that I've loved you from the start
Don't leave me alone
with my broken heart
can't you see, that I've loved you from the start

kara, sevda, чeрна, любов, nihan, kemal, neslihan, atagul, burak, ozcivit, thrills, kaan, axel, rudi, pell, broken, heart, разбито, сърце

Дата на публикация: 25 февруари, 2016
Категория: Музика
Ключови думи: Heart Любов Broken Axel Rudi Pell сърце Thrills Разбито Kara sevda Kemal Burak kaan neslihan ozcivit atagul nihan чeрна

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marysullivan712 (преди 8 месеца) отговор
They say the eyes are the window to the soul. Let me gaze into yours and see where the night takes us, perhaps with a touch that ignites something more?
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