Silent hill Homecoming PC Steam Fix Unknownproject's 2.50 patch

Brief tutorial on getting the game to work a whole lot better. IMPORTANT: You will need to start a new game as patching will delete your old save files. Back them up BEFORE patching if you want to keep them around. Enjoy!

For controller users: I found that the dialogue portions were still showing number prompts instead of the Xbox buttons. In order to change that you need to go into \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Silent Hill Homecoming\Engine and open the default_pc.cfg file and hashtag the #resmgrload = assets_pc_b.xml (by default it will not be hashed tagged) followed by changing resmgrload = assets_xenon_b.xml to unhashed so that it is active and the dialogue prompts should be fixed.

Link to patch:

Дата на публикация: 3 май, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: Hill Silent pc steam Fix patch Homecoming Unknownproject's 2.50

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