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After 2 (After We Collided) - The whole movie (2020-HD) - Bulgarian movie online

After 2 - (After We Collided) - The whole movie (2020-HD) - Bulgarian movie online

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копиране на връзка 👉 https://123foxmovies.com/bg/movie/613504/after-we-collided

Genre: Drama
Year: 2020
Premiere: 2020
Country: USA

Teca tokyo-shto e otkapila Xapdin Scot's betrayal and the dream of her idyllic love story have disappeared. How could it be that she was so stupid that she would not be deceived? Why was she so blind that she didn't realize that this was a game?

For a long time he denied the truth about him, and when he knew all this, his feelings were betrayed and humiliated. After all this happened, Teca just wanted to go to the stage of life, life in which there were no changes for the lovely kisses, tenderness. Why, after all the heavy disappointments, does she not want a man with the green eyes yet?

While the young woman asks herself all these questions and tries to overcome this difficult task, Xapdin only realizes that she really has something to do with it. He will have to fight hard to get Teca back again, and the secrets of the past will be an obstacle for us to achieve all this. Xapdin will have to choose between this, whether to change his behavior or to trust Teca and tell her the whole truth, and all that. In order to do this, he must first avoid issues that the young woman cannot avoid asking. Will they be able to read everything and have fun? To what degree can love dull?


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Date of publication: August 6, 2020

Дата на публикация: 15 септември, 2020
Категория: Новини