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(Let the Gospel of Jesus Christ , broadcast all over the war tone Arab world and the whole World)
Arabic Lyrics in English + English Translation (English meaning)
Chorus : (Zeedo el-Maseeh tasbeeh. Allo el-Elah benaghamkom. Nadou el-abtal, abtalo. Yemshou be Salib odamkom)x2
E: [Praise the Lord more and more. Exalt the Lord with your song. Call all saints, His saints. To walk with a cross before you]
1- (Ouloh aam wel mot malhoush soltan, w mafeesh ella bdamoh el-ghofran)x2. W nour el Engeel beyzeed.
E: [Say He has risen and death has no authority. And there is no forgiveness without His blood X2. And the light of the Bible shines more and more]
2- (Ouloh ghalab el a'tma w soltanha. Nawar ayamna w lawenha)x2. W nour el nahar beyzeed.
E: [Say He has defeated darkness and its power. He has lightened our days and put joy in them X2. And the light of the day shines more and more]
3- (Ouloh ghaleb-ghaleb a'adaoh. Ghalbeen beshehadtoh w bedema.oh)x2. W meerathna ma'ah beyzeed.
E: [Say He is victorious over His enemies. We are victorious through His witness and blood X2. And our inheritance with Him grows more and more]
4- (Eishou farah el-sama afrah-afrah. Yelbes iblees lebs el-nawah)x2. W hotafna elih beyzeed.
E: [Live the joy of Heaven fully. This will make a mourner of Satan X2. And our call against him grows louder and louder]
Sat7Arabic : Thousands of Egyptians Shout JESUS for 10 Consecutive Minutes : click link
Arabic Christian Song....Praise Jesus more and more : Lyrics in English & meaning in English
حفل بحب مصر رقم ٧ | إنتاج فريق الخبر السار بالاشتراك مع قناة الكرمة وقناة سات-٧ | ترنيم : فريق الخبر السار + فريق للرب نرنم + فريق الحياة الافضل + م. لبيب مشرقي (بيبو) | هندسة صوتية : مفدي ثابت - دريم استوديو | إخراج فريد سمير | I Love Egypt Concert | Produced by: Good News Team + Al Karma TV + SAT-7 | Worship : Good News Team + Lel Rab Noranem Team + The Better Life Team + Bibo | Sound Engineering: Mafdy Thabet - Dream Studio | Directed By Farid Samir.
(زيدوا المسيح تسبيح علوا الاله بنغمكم نادوا الابطال ابطاله يمشوا بصليب قدامكم)2 (قولوا قام والموت مالهوش سلطان وما فيش الا بدمه الففران)2 ونور الانجيل بيزيد2.(قولوا غلب العتمه وسلطانها ونور ايامنا ولونها)2 ونور النهار بيزيد3.(قولوا غالب غالب اعداؤه وغالبين بشهادته وبدمائه)2 وميراثنا معاه بيزيد4.(عيشوا فرح السما افراح افراح يلبس ابليس لبس النوّاح)2 وهتافنا عليه بيزيد
(Launch: May 31, 1996.) SAT-7 ARABIC provides hope to its millions of viewers by
creating and broadcasting life-giving, encouraging, informative Christian TV programming
for every member of the family.Around 300 million Arabic speaking peoples live in the Middle East
and North Africa, more than half of whom have access to satellite TV.
Programs airing on SAT-7 ARABIC range from documentaries, films, and
cartoons, to an increasing number of “live” interactive programs.
SAT-7 ARABIC also produces a wide variety of teaching and discussion programs.
The channel regularly addresses issues in the region from the Christian point of view,
bringing the gospel to an estimated total audience of at least 8.5 million people.
SAT-7 production studios in Egypt and Lebanon produce more than 75% of the shows that air on the channel.
SAT-7 ARABIC broadcasts from Eutelsat 7 West A, 11,353 GHz Vertical, SR 27500 5/6
Please watch this video :
هل القرآن كلام الله؟ مناظرة بين الشيخ طارق والأخ رشيد
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Дата на публикация: 6 януари, 2019
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