ФЕН песен / музикално видео Дисни принцесите от Разбивачът РАЛФ 2 # Wreck-It Ralph Princess Music Video! Traci Hines ft. Jbunzie

*SEE PART 1 of this collab on Jbunzie’s channel! https://youtu.be/oHJso1gKx3A
*Track coming soon to iTunes & Amazon! (also avail. on Spotify, Google Play, Deezer & more)
*Check out Nicolette's Behind The Scenes video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqM9sYKAC9Q
*Check out Jen’s Behind The Scenes video! http://youtu.be/AeHFsICb4jo
*Check out Sarah Ingle’s Wreck-It Ralph 2 Rapunzel Tee DIY video!
*Check out Nicolette Melody’s Behind The Scenes video!
*Check out Wonderland Studios in Anaheim, CA, our amazing photo/video location: WonderlandStudiosOC.com
*Huge thanks to Jbunzie for collaborating with me on this project! Make sure to subscribe to her amazing youtube channel if you haven’t already! http://youtube.com/jbunzie
*Join the #MerCrew to help me make more music videos! http://patreon.com/TraciHines

“When Can I See You Again?” Traci Hines ft. Jbunzie (& The Princesses!)
Inspired by Disney's Wreck it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks The Internet!

Vanellope: Jbunzie http://youtube.com/jbunzie
Ariel: Traci Hines (me) http://instagram.com/TraciHines
Tiana: Ranitra Coleman http://instagram.com/Missgolden_lady
Aurora: Bethanie Garcia http://instagram.com/bethaniegarcia
Cinderella: Amy Treadwell Toy http://youtube.com/harmonyaddict
Jasmine: Nicolette Melody http://instagram.com/NicoletteMelody
Rapunzel: Sarah Ingle http://youtube.com/sarahingleofficial
Elsa: Tina LaMar http://instagram.com/queen_elsa_1353
Anna: Shel Sligar http://instagram.com/lifeofshel
Merida: Monica Ricketts http://instagram.com/monicadanae 
Pocahontas: Kayla Stagnoli http://instagram.com/KaylaStag
Moana: Katie Stagnoli http://instagram.com/ktdisney
Mulan: J Liang
Snow White: Amber Arden http://instagram.com/AmberArden
Belle: Rachel Litfin http://instagram.com/RachelLitfin
Ralph: Brian Hull http://youtube.com/BrianHullVoices
Stormtrooper: Cameron Keaggy http://instagram.com/sirkeaggy

Cinematography/Post-Production: Brandon Toy http://BrandonToy.com http://instagram.com/songstaforlife http://youtube.com/songstaforlife
Executive Producers: Jennifer Guerra, Andrew Wells, Dave Lopez
Line Producer: Nicole Wright http://instagram.com/nicoletheawkward
Assistant Line Producer: Shel Sligar http://instagram.com/lifeofshel
Video Production Assistant: Jamison Toy http://instagram.com/ltoycreations
Production Assistant: Jen Holmstrom http://youtube.com/inspiredfamilyof5
Production Assistant: Benjamin Hines
Production Assistant/Understudy: Sydney DeRosa http://instagram.com/sydneyelizabethhh

Music Arrangement & Production: Joris Daniel Hoogsteder http://JorisDaniel.com
Recording Engineer & Vocal Mixing: Brandon Toy http://BrandonToy.com
Music Directors: Brandon Toy & Traci Hines
Additional Recording by: Brian Hull, Sarah Ingle & Cameron Keaggy

Ariel Costume: http://FireflyPath.com
Jasmine & Ralph Costumes: Alysia Smith http://instagram.com/DesignerAlysiaPark
Aurora, Cinderella & Belle Costumes, & Snow White Cape: Nephi Garcia/Designer Daddy http://instagram.com/designerdaddy_
Tiana Costume & Jasmine PJ's: Secret Honey http://instagram.com/secrethoney_official
Merida's Costume: http://instagram.com/crownsandcastlesprincess
Moana & Anna Costumes: Shel Sligar http://instagram.com/lifeofshel
Elsa's Costume: http://RoyalEntertainers.com
Rapunzel's Costume: http://princesseverafterevents.com

Jasmine & Belle: Alysia Smith http://instagram.com/DesignerAlysiaPark http://facebook.com/Wigs-by-Alysia-Smith-152468138758908/   
Ariel & Elsa: Traci Hines http://SirensGrotto.com
Aurora: Styles by Kat http://instagram.com/styles_bykat
Cinderella & Snow White: Jessica Mills http://instagram.com/jmillsmakeupandhair
Pocahontas: Kayla Stagnoli http://instagram.com/kaylastag
Rapunzel: http://princesseverafterevents.com
Anna, Moana & Vanellope: Shel Sligar http://instagram.com/lifeofshel

Merida's Bow: borrowed from Garrett Gopen
Tiana's Flower & Crown: Ranitra Coleman http://instagram.com/miss_goldenlady
Belle's Book: Rachel Litfin http://rlitfin.com
Pocahontas's Staff: c/o Benjamin Hines
Cookies: Lady Fortunes http://ladyfortunes.com

Special Thanks to Pinky Paradise for our circle lenses! http://PinkyParadise.com

Want to read Belle's book? Buy or Download The Chronicles of Royal High by Rachel Litfin! http://rlitfin.com

Special Thanks to our wonderful location WONDERLAND STUDIOS for hosting this shoot! http://WonderlandStudiosOC.com

Photography by Saffels Photography http://SaffelsPhotography.com

HUGE THANKS TO MY #MERCREW: MY PATRONS ON PATREON FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO POSSIBLE! Andrew Wells, Jennifer Guerra, Dave Lopez, Denelle Marsch, Sarah Simoes, Kimberly Turner, Madison Dorfzaun, Joanie Belanger, Bryan R. Epler, Roxanna Meta, Gina Kepner, Jim Levinson

More Music: http://iTunes.com/TraciHines
Contact: TraciHinesMusic@gmail.com

Дата на публикация: 3 октомври, 2018
Категория: Музика