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Kamala Das Celebrating Kamala Das (Камала Дас) GOOGLE DOODLE 2018

Kamala Das Celebrating Kamala Das (Камала Дас) GOOGLE DOODLE 2018 Камала Сурая Today we celebrate poet and author Kamala Das on the the publication date of her autobiography, “My Story,” released in 1976. Das’ life and work had a boldness and shapeshifting quality, whether it was the many genres she wrote in or the various languages in which she expressed herself. She was determined to live life on her own terms, resisting labels such as “feminist” and choosing different names for herself over the course of her life. When she began publishing, she used the pseudonym Madhavikutty; Ami was her pet name; and Suraiyya, the name she gave herself upon her conversion to Islam.

Das originally wrote her autobiography in English, but translated it to Malayalam along the way. The story captures her life from childhood to marriage and beyond, describing the rich inner world of a creative soul. While some found the book to be controversial, including relatives who tried to block it from being published, many readers were enchanted by the lyricism and honesty of her writing.
Through all her transitions and personal reinventions, Das continued to write poetry and prose that was unflinching and passionate. Today’s Doodle by artist Manjit Thapp celebrates the work she left behind, which provides a window into the world of an engrossing woman.(родена в Камала, 31 март 1934 г, Kamala Das, е индийска английска поетеса и в същото време водещ автор от Малаялам от Керала, Индия. Нейната популярност в Керала се основава главно на нейните кратки разкази и автобиография, а нейното творчество на английски, написано под името Камала Дас, е отбелязано за стихотворенията и изричната автобиография. Тя също беше широко прочетена журналистка и написала различни теми, сред които и въпроси, свързани с жените, грижи за децата, политика и др.

Дата на публикация: 31 януари, 2018
Субтитри от: mentos
Категория: Хоби и развлечения
Ключови думи: Google Das Doodle Celebrating 2018 Kamala (Камала Дас)