▶ TWEET THIS VIDEO TO WIN GLOZELL’S HOODIE - http://ctt.ec/cZ43c ▶ WATCH ALL MY PARODIES - http://goo.gl/RxOERC ▶ SNAPCHAT ME - RealBartBaker ▶ GET MY NEW APP TO BE IN MY NEXT PARODY - http://bit.ly/Chllgnd ▶ GET THE SONG - http://hyperurl.co/jtixpp ▶ SEE ALL MY PARODIES BEFORE ANYONE ELSE - https://www.vessel.com/bartbaker
▶ FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/bartbaker
▶ FOLLOW ME ON VINE - http://vine.co/BartBaker
▶ FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER - http://www.twitter.com/bartbaker
▶ LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/BartBakerFans
▶ DOWNLOAD MY GREATEST HITS ALBUM HERE - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014 Also Available on Google Play - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014GP
▶ GET MY NEW FREE GAME - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/socia…
▶ My 2nd Channel - http://www.youtube.com/Bart
▶ GET THE MERCHANDISE - http://bit.ly/BartMerch
▶ GET MY FREE iPHONE APP - http://bit.ly/BartApp
Get the original song on iTunes - http://apple.co/1dN77XEWatch the original video - http://tidal.com/
Vine - Vine.co/RyDoon
IG - @merydoon
Twitter Snapchat - @RyDoon
Voices by Bart Baker and Devyn Deloera -http://www.youtube.com/thedevyndeloera
“Feeling Myself” PARODY STARRING
Executive - Bart Baker - Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/user/BartBaKer
Nicki Minaj - Tiffany Tynes - https://instagram.com/miss_tiffyt/ & https://www.youtube.com/user/tiffyt08
Beyonce - Glozell - https://www.youtube.com/user/glozell1
Jay-Z - Cartrell Daniels - https://twitter.com/trell626
Beyonce VO - Kim Bubar
Dancer - Brendan Holmes
Dancer - Tai Brown
Extra - Unique Jenkins
Extra - Kristen Laffey
Extra - Nonye Okeke
Extra - Meghan K
“Feeling Myself” Parody Created/Written/Directed by - Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/user/BartBaKer“Feeling Myself” Parody Executive Producer - Ricky Mammone“Feeling Myself” Parody Writer – Eli Braden - http://www.elibraden.com/
“Feeling Myself” Parody Director - Layne Pavoggi“Feeling Myself” Parody Editor – KingKohn
“Feeling Myself” Parody Producer - Ben Loescher
“Feeling Myself” Parody Producer - Aron Reuben Korney – http://www.thetragicshow.com/“Feeling Myself” Parody Supervising Producer - George Kimmel – https://www.youtube.com/user/votedbes...“Feeling Myself” Parody Director of Photography - Andrew Kurchinski - https://twitter.com/AKurchinski“Feeling Myself” Parody Gaffer - Tim Davis - http://www.timdavismedia.com/
“Feeling Myself” Parody Grip – Elijah Kagan
“Feeling Myself” Parody Grip – Gale Saldana
“Feeling Myself” Parody Costume Designer - Amanda Hosler - http://www.amandahosler.com/
“Feeling Myself” Parody Wardrobe Asst. - Jen Osborne“Feeling Myself” Parody Key Makeup - Brittany White - https://instagram.com/brutalbee“Feeling Myself” Parody Art Department - Chris Devlin“Feeling Myself” Parody Art Department/Props/Makeup - Remington Brimmer“Feeling Myself” Parody Art Department - Eligh Macias
“Feeling Myself” Parody Art Department - Sean Hughes“Feeling Myself” Parody Associate Producer - Bryce Hallock
“Feeling Myself” Parody Production Coordinator – Rob Goldman - http://teamprocreate.com/“Feeling Myself” Parody Audio Technician – Rafael Serrano
“Feeling Myself” Parody Audio Technician – Matt Colbert“Feeling Myself” Parody Production Assistant – Talia Zapien“Feeling Myself” Parody Production Assistant – Micah Land
“Feeling Myself” Parody Production Assistant – Conor Jones
“Feeling Myself” Parody Production Car Vendor – Natasha Zarate
Дата на публикация: 13 септември, 2015
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