GTA 5 PC - All Random Events

Grand Theft Auto V PC - Walkthrough \ Guide for all the Random Events in Grand Theft Auto V [1080p and 60 frames-per-second]

GTA V PC Side Missions Playlist:


SIDE MISSION: Random Events

0:18 - ATM Robberies
0:58 - Bike Thief City #1 - (Rancho/Little Big Horn Ave - LOS SANTOS)
2:48 - Bike Thief City #2 - (East Vinewood - LOS SANTOS)
3:31 - Bus Tour - (Downtown Vinewood - LOS SANTOS)
13:14 - Construction Accident - (Little Seoul - LOS SANTOS)
14:24 - Escape Paparazzi (Lacey Jonas) - (Downtown Vinewood - LOS SANTOS)
16:09 - Gang Intimidation - (El Burro Heights - LOS SANTOS)
17:24 - Getaway Driver (Patrick "Packie" McReary) - (Strawberry - LOS SANTOS)
19:29 - Mugging #1 - (Chamberlain Hills - LOS SANTOS)
20:27 - Mugging #2 - (Alta - LOS SANTOS)
21:03 - Mugging #3 - (Pillbox Hill - LOS SANTOS)
22:00 - Security Van Heists #1 / #10
24:36 - Shop Robbery #1 - (Rockford Hills - LOS SANTOS)
26:00 - Shop Robbery #2 - (Del Perro - LOS SANTOS)
27:33 - Snatched (Lost Girl) - (Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS)
30:20 - Sport Bike Thief - (Richman - LOS SANTOS)
31:00 - Simeon Yetarian - (Pillbox Hill - LOS SANTOS)
32:07 - Abandoned Vehicle #1 - (Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY)
33:25 - Abandoned Vehicle #2 - (Ron Alternates Wind Farm - LOS SANTOS)
34:40 - Arrests #1 - (Grapeseed - BLAINE COUNTY)
35:49 - Arrests #2 - (Davis Quartz - BLAINE COUNTY)
36:31 - Border Patrol #1 - (Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY)
37:19 - Border Patrol #2 - (Tataviam Mountains - LOS SANTOS)
38:12 - Border Patrol #3 - (Raton Canyon - BLAINE COUNTY)
38:56 - Burial (Antonia Bottino) - (Paleto Bay - BLAINE COUNTY)
43:55 - Car Thief #1 - (North Chumash - BLAINE COUNTY)
45:03 - Car Thief #2 - (Los Santos Internetional Airport/Exceptionalists Way - LOS SANTOS)
47:40 - Chase Thieves City #1 - (Hawick - LOS SANTOS)
48:44 - Chase Thieves City #2 - (Textile City - LOS SANTOS)
49:50 - Chase Thieves Country #1 - (Grapeseed - BLAINE COUNTY)
50:45 - Chase Thieves Country #2 - (Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY)
52:07 - Countryside Gang Fight - (Alamo Sea - BLAINE COUNTY)
53:29 - Countryside Robbery - (Harmony - BLAINE COUNTY)
54:30 - Crash Rescue (Taliana Martinez) - (Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY)
57:24 - Deal Gone Wrong - (Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness - BLAINE COUNTY)
59:34 - Domestic (Castro Lagano) - (Vinewood Hills - LOS SANTOS)
1:01:49 - Drug Shootout - (Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY)
1:03:02 - Drunk Driver #1 - (La Puerta/South Rockford Dr - LOS SANTOS)
1:05:39 - Drunk Driver #2 - (Sandy Shores - BLAINE COUNTY)
1:08:50 - Hitch Lift #1 (Timm) - (Banham Canyon/Ineseno Road - LOS SANTOS)
1:13:25 - Hitch Lift #2 (Ursula) - (Mount Chiliad - BLAINE COUNTY)
1:16:42 - Hitch Lift #3 - (San Chianski Mountain Range - BLAINE COUNTY)
1:20:28 - Hitch Lift #4 (Runaway Bride) - (Great Chaparral - LOS SANTOS)
1:24:09 - Rogue Altruists - (Great Chaparral - LOS SANTOS)
1:26:09 - Luring Girl Into Alley - (La Mesa - LOS SANTOS)
1:26:53 - Prisoner Lift #1 - (Grand Senora Desert - LOS SANTOS)
1:29:24 - Prisoner Lift #2 - (Grand Senora Desert - LOS SANTOS)
1:30:11 - Stag Do Running Man - (Zancudo River - BLAINE COUNTY)

1:35:39 - Duel - (Grand Senora Desert - BLAINE COUNTY)
1:37:27 - Sea Plane - (Pacific Ocean - LOS SANTOS COUNTY)
1:39:50 - Monkey Mosaic - (Burton - LOS SANTOS)


Video recorded on: PC with all settings maxed out


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Дата на публикация: 12 септември, 2015
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: All gta pc Random events 5