DIY ROOM DECOR! Low cost projects & recycling ideas!

Hey guys!! In today’s video, I will show you some DIY room decoration ideas, all of them super easy and under 3 euros each.

*** I will add closed caption shortly, be patient!

Mosaic vase:
The first one is a super cute vase that I showed you in my room tour, and a lot of you asked me to make a tutorial, so you will need a jar and an old CD.

The first step is cutting the CD and I tried in the past different techniques to make this easier like soaking it in hot water but they didn’t make any difference. The only key is to use sharp scissors and doing it really slowly. Once you have a lot of pieces, you can stick some tape onto the jar so you know where to glue the cd pieces and then just glue them down with some hot glue.
As you see this was super simple but I really like the nice touch it gives to my desk.

Tiffany's box:
For the next DIY I was obviously inspired by the boxes at tiffany’s and you can easily make them with a jewelry box, acrylic paint the closest shade is Caribbean blue and some white ribbon. Start off by painting the whole box blue, you may need a couple of coats to make it opaque and you can obviously paint it another color if you prefer. Then take the box part and a piece of the ribbon and tape or glue one side to the inside as I’m doing here and then take it to the other side and tape it too. Do the same to the other two sides and also to the lid part, making sure that they two parts fit well together. Then add another piece of ribbon to the top and make a bow.
I’m in love with the final result, we don’t have tiffany’s where I live but I think it looks really similar to the original boxes.
The final DIY is also really simple, you will need: a cheap frame and some scrabble tiles.

Scrabble frame:
Start off by choosing some Instagram pictures and drag them to a word office document, arrange them so they look nice and fit the size of the frame and just print them out. Place the paper in the frame and arrange your tiles so you know where they go and glue them to the frame with hot glue. If you don’t own a scrabble you can find the tiles on ebay or try to find the game for cheap at a thrift store.

So I hope you enjoyed the video, hit that thumbs up button if you did and I will definitely make more of these type of videos in the future. Have an awesome week and I’ll see you next week.

Don't forget to leave me in the comments which kind of videos you want to watch next. Thanks for watching!!

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Дата на публикация: 1 септември, 2015
Категория: Друго