for King & Country - Love's To Blame Любовта е, за да те изгаря Fatih Harbiye Special Thrills

Fatih Harbiye - Music Collections Фатих Харбие - Музикална колекция

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I do not own the song or clips, nor subtitles, used in this video! Copyrights belong to their rightful owners. This was made only for entertainment and about lyrics knowledge.

for King & Country (Joel & Luke) - Love's To Blame
From for King & Country Album - Crave (Rock)

Joel & Luke - Love's To Blame (lyrics)
Joel & Luke - Любовта е, за да те изгаря
bg translation by: fifetooo

Time and time, I've thought through it all
How we loved and loved
and how we fought each other
pushing one another
to be somebody else
And time and time, I've wrestlet my thoughts
Not certain if the end was right or wrong and whether
We still should be together or with somebody else...

Our last memory-she had water in her eyes
She cried " Stay with me! "
Asked " How can this be love, if you are leaving me? "
But darling, love's to blame...

And i can't see you right now
'cause my heart just can't take it
Can't be near you right now
'cause i know you're no longer mine
I can't see you...

It makes me ache, that we had to break
That even though I knew your heart so well
We're strangers in different places
thought we live a mile apart

My best friend's gone my world has been torn
we'll never share a name, never be one
But i will always remember the years we spent in love

I still think of you
I pray that you are save
I'm still missing you
but it has to be this way
'cause I'm not right for you
And that's why love's to blame

And I can't see you right now
'cause my heart just can't take it
Can't be near you right now
'cause i know you're no longer mine
And I can't see you right now
'cause my heart just can't take it
Can't be near you right now
'cause i know you're no longer mine

And I can't see you
No, I can't see you
I just can't see you right now...

But maybe time will heal the hearts
And maybe after time you'll understand
I said goodbye 'cause I love you...

And i can't see you right now
'cause my heart just can't take it
Can't be near you right now
'cause i know you're no longer mine
And I can't see you right know
'cause my heart just can't fake it
Can't be near you rigth now
'cause I know you're no longer mine

And i can't see you
No, i can't see you
I just can't see you right now

No i can't see you
I just can't see you
I just can't see you right know...

And love's to blame...

for King & Country, Joel, Luke, Love's To Blame, Crave, Fatih, Harbiye, Neriman, Macit, bg subs,

Дата на публикация: 25 август, 2015
Категория: Музика
Ключови думи: to for Bg king Blame JOEL subs  Luke Country fatih Crave & Harbiye macit neriman Love's

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