Part 2 Severely Autistic Boy Having a Meltdown

Before you comment please read the description below, think about the impact your words will have on an already broken family that live through these daily horrors quietly, imagine yourself in their shoes. Be considerate of their situation and understand the amount of things they have already tried to assist their son with some sort of quality of life.

Billy is 19 and has major intellectual impairment and severe autism. He's non verbal, rarely sleeps, is only partially toilet trained, and has multiple meltdowns daily where he screams constantly, harms himself by hitting, biting, and scratching himself, dropping to his knees or bottom, and causing terrible damage to his body. To watch their son go through this rips their hearts out and they are left in tears agonising for him and left feeling helpless as he is unable to verbalise what he is feeling, bleeding, bruised and distressed.

Over the last 19 years Billy's parents have tried many different ways of trying to help Billy cope with his meltdowns like, weighted blankets and vests, chewies, helmets, gloves, communicating devices, multiple different medications, music, speech therapy and the list goes on and on. Recently their NDIS funding has run out, Billy is not receiving the amount of funds he is entitled to because the NDIS think Billy is not disabled enough! The Neeson's are currently fighting these decisions through the tribunals but in the meantime they need further support The Neeson's have made these recordings so they can show Billy's specialists and doctors otherwise there is no way they can see the severity of his meltdowns, these recordings are not made to make money, they are not made to be cruel but simply to bring awareness to what families have to go through with severely disabled autistic children.

If you'd like to read the whole story of how bad this family actually have it please see their GoFundMe description:

Дата на публикация: 25 март, 2025
Категория: Друго