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Мusic: Svetoslav Loboshki
Lirics: Ivan Tenev, Roy Sebastian Hill
Recording & Mastering: Nadosyan Studio,VK Studio

Director: Ivan Dimitrov - Torex
DoP: Radoslav Gochev
Cast and Locations: Natalia Vicheva
Hair stylist: Hari Dzhinov
Make-up: Ivana Georgieva

Cast: Kristina Doncheva, Artiom Anatolievich

(P) & (C) 2023 PAOLA Under exclusive license to MUZE Music


War and peace
Children’s laughter and tears
are all around, clear for us to see.
Days and nights chase on, all in black and white
That’s how our life goes on.

War and peace
even when we close our eyes
let there be - no bombs from the skies
somehow we can build - a better world for us all
Where we can all live in peace

Please don’t take away my childhood! Please, I’m begging you.
Please don’t leave behind a world engulfed in war.
See the children looking up at you, with a question on their lips.
That puts a target on your back.

You are born
With kindness in your heart
hope and peace from the very start.
You bring the light
and say “no to war”.
Even in your dreams… in your dreams.

#paola #паола #dream #сън

Дата на публикация: 2 февруари, 2025
Категория: Друго