GTA V Ultra Graphics on RTX 4060 Ti I FPS Benchmark

Hi everyone and welcome to my channel.

We benchmarked GTA V on Nvidia RTX 4060 Ti and AMD Ryzen 5 5600x CPU.
The game settings where ultra settings as possible on both 1080P and 2K resolutions.

I've tested the fps on couple different occesions like walking, driving, swimming, and crashing. So we can have an idea of how those will impact our game.

Time Staps:

0:00 - Settings
0:12 - Driving
1:03 - Walking
1:13 - Swimming
1:23 - Changing to 2K
1:30 - Driving 2K
1:49 - Walking 2K
2:19 Swimming 2K
3:05 "i will play normally now"

Enjoy your day

The recording software takes 2-4 fps approximately.

Full PC Specs;

Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060Ti
AMD Ryzen 5 5600x Processor
Windows 11 Pro

For Recording;

Windows 11 game centre

Дата на публикация: 22 декември, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: On Ti gta ultra FPS benchmark graphics RTX 4060

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