A powerful five-part drama for BBC One, which sees the conflict of the First World War unfold through the eyes of two very ordinary young men. Written by Tony Jordan (Hustle, Life on Mars), the series has been commissioned as part of the BBC’s programming to mark the Centenary of WW1.
Paddy Gibson (What Richard Did) and Jack Lowden (The Tunnel, Wolf Hall) star as Thomas and Michael, two young men for whom the war has little mercy, no matter which side they might be fighting for. Over five chronological years The Passing Bells follows their lives, as they grow up, lose friends and find love amid the horrors of the war. Back home, their families and loved ones anxiously await news from the front.
Episode 1
Following the outbreak of hostilities, Michael and Thomas both defy their parents and go to the recruitment office. After putting on their uniforms - one British, one German - their parents find it hard to deal with their sons' deceptions. Tommy finds it hard to find his feet whilst Michael begins to miss girlfriend Katie.
Airdate: Monday November 03rd, 2014
Дата на публикация: 13 декември, 2024
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