Video Game Genres That Don't Exist Anymore

Did you notice that we just don't get some games anymore? It's as if they disappeared without prior notice and without letting us accustomed to the idea. So, it seemed like a fun idea for a video.

10 Years of Early Windows Gaming 1993-2002 (Ongoing):
Essential DOS Games (Complete):
10 Years of PC DOS Gaming (Complete):
10 Years of Amiga Gaming (Complete):
10 Years of C64 Gaming (Ongoing):

I make those videos in my spare time, so if you like what I do here and feel generous, you can support me on Patreon or become a YouTube Member. You don't have to though, if you can't or don't feel like it. A like and subscribe is great too!


If you'd like to connect, you can find me on twitter: @kad3t_uk

0:00 Intro
0:37 Top-down Racers (@C64Archive & @AdrianquerGame )
2:09 FMV Adventure Games (@raptorsretrogames & @nighttraplongplays9773 )
3:33 Point'n'Click Adventure Games (@thriftweeds & @THESCUMMBAR )
5:16 Real-time Strategies (RTS) (@worldoflongplays & @TheMedievalNerd & @TheRetroSpirit )
6:55 Competitive Sports Games (@thriftweeds & @Myrryspeikko )
8:22 Extreme Sports Games (@vhlongplays9082 & @kriols & @reddiusmiro )
9:54 Vehicular Combat Games (@Renaissance2K & @thriftweeds )
11:15 Dungeon Crawlers (@thriftweeds )
12:46 Movie Tie-ins (@AL82RetrogamingLongplays & @CuteFloor & @10minGameplay )
14:09 On-Rail Shooters (@Ace1000ks1975 & @Alex Lopez)
15:49 Outro

#genre #videogames

Дата на публикация: 15 ноември, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: Game video don't That anymore exist Genres

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