Need For Speed The Run 720/1080p Winlator 7.1.3 Glibc Cmod v11R2 Red Magic 8 Pro


0:01 Container Settings
1:02 In-game recommended settings
1:15 720p Gameplay
7:05 1080p Gameplay

Runs great! Personally, I'd recommend to lock the fps to 30fps as pretty much every other aspect of this game is 30fps anyway. It looks amazing, even at pretty much lowest settings as well. 1440p was just a little too demanding, but 1080p works pretty well, giving me about 35fps, with 720p giving me 50-60. Can't recommend this game enough, as it's the last of the legendary Black Box NFS titles. I'm getting pretty close to completing it as well. Highly recommended.

Дата на публикация: 6 ноември, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: The for Red Need pro run speed Magic WINLATOR Glibc 720/1080p 7.1.3 Cmod v11R2

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