Evolution of Metal Slug Games [1996-2024]

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Evolution of Metal Slug Games [1996-2024]

List of Games:
00:00 1. Intro
00:05 2. Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 [1996] (Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, iOS, Android, Windows, Nintendo Switch)
00:27 3. Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II [1998] (Neo Geo, Neo Geo CD, iOS, Android, Windows, Nintendo Switch)
00:50 4. Metal Slug X [1999] (Neo Geo, PlayStation, Wii, iOS, Android, Windows, Nintendo Switch)
01:19 5. Metal Slug 1st Mission [1999] (Neo Geo Pocket Color)
01:46 6. Metal Slug 2nd Mission [2000] (Neo Geo Pocket Color)
02:09 7. Metal Slug 3 [2000] (Arcade, Neo Geo, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows, iOS, Android, Wii, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch)
02:39 8. Metal Slug 4 [2002] (Arcade, Neo Geo, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows, iOS, Android, Wii, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch)
03:04 9. Metal Slug 5 [2003] (Neo Geo, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Nintendo Switch)
03:30 10. Metal Slug Advance [2004] (Game Boy Advance)
03:55 11. Metal Slug 6 [2006] (Arcade, Windows, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3)
04:22 12. Metal Slug [2006] (PlayStation 2)
04:53 13. Metal Slug 7 [2008] (Nintendo DS)
05:18 14. Metal Slug XX [2009] (PlayStation 4, Windows, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360)
05:44 15. Metal Slug Defense [2014] (Windows, Android, iOS)
06:18 16. Metal Slug Attack [2016] (Android, iOS, Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S)
06:44 17. Metal Slug: Commander [2021] (Android, iOS)
07:06 18. Metal Slug: Awakening [2023] (Windows, Android, iOS)
07:46 19. Metal Slug Tactics [2024] (Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S)
08:06 20. Outro

Дата на публикация: 21 октомври, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: of Evolution metal games 1996 2024 Slug

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