Sega Worldwide Soccer 98 Vs 23 : Comparison, New Moves, And Cut Content (Sega Saturn)

Retro dad and modern lad presents Sega Worldwide Soccer 98 Vs 23 : Comparison, New Moves, And Cut Content (Sega Saturn)

Todays video compares my SWWS 23 mod's with the original SWWS 98, looks at new moves, and cut content from the SWWS 23 mod.

What MODs have been made to the game :

Update 1:

- Man City replaced Coventry City (badges, images, names, players, team rating, custom kit, sounds)
- New custom title screen and menu background
- Custom sega sports screen
- Custom RD&ML opening video
- Changes to option names to make more accurate
- All 1728 players in the game have updated names for 2023 season
- All club teams have updated team ratings
- All premier league teams and top 5 teams in Spain/France have updated player statistics/ player appearance/ correct kicking foot
- 5 new advertisement hoardings around the pitch
- All new power shot (like fifa 23 ish) exclusive to the worlds top 5 strikers!!!

Update 2:

- Argentina, Brazil, England, France, and Spain national team players have been updated to feature 2023 player looks, stats, names, and correct kicking foot.
- Messi has been changed to number 10 for Argentina national team (requested in youtube video comments)
- Added custom music selection that can be listened to instead of commentary when playing a game. There are three tracks, they are 2 classic tracks from WWS 97 and the best track from WWS 98. To listen to them, go to "options" from main menu and select one the BGM tracks. Then when playing a game "press start" and you can change to listen to any of the three BGM tracks at anytime.
- Some minor fixes including mis-alignment of dreamcast advertisement in one the stadiums, and a mistake from the original game where in edit mode for the France national team a defender had the position of midfield.

US version:
-The original US version of the game did not have the licence for premier league team names like the pal version. This meant teams where named after the city they are located in and not the real team names. For example, Arsenal were called London and Aston villa were called Birmingham. I have updated all the premier league names, team announcements, and the commentary to the official names.
- The commentary does not stutter on the US version unlike the pal.
- New custom title screen for the US version.
- Fixed a slightly miss aligned on dreamcast advertisement in one of the stadiums, and other small fixes.
- In the US version of the game on the VS screen for premier league teams it shows the team flags, while the pal version shows the kits instead. I have updated the US version to show the kits like the pal version.

Worlds top 5 strikers (power shot):
Haaland (Man City)
Nunez (Liverpool)
Mbappe (PSG)
Benzema (Real Madrid)
Lewandowski (Barca).

To perform the power shot quickly tap "A" if not facing directly at goal (press d-pad in the direction you want the shot to go in) or for a straight power shot quickly double tap "B".

The power shot is really powerful and quick, but more difficult to be accurate. Power shots can even rip through the net!!

Download for both US and Pal Regions:

Special Thank You:
*I would like to thank ROS (Rings Of Saturn) for all the help, advice, and encouragement they have given me throughout the project. They have been vital in the project moving forward and produced the excellent retro dad and modern lad opening video. The MODs ROS has released for the sega saturn (tomb raider and sega rally) have been a great inspiration to myself and in my opinion set a new high standard for MODs on sega saturn (check them out!!).
*I would also like to thank Saturn Guru for all the encouragement and advice they have provided throughout the project.

Update for fenrir ode users:
-If you have the new fenrir duo, the mod will work just by adding the game as normal.
-If you have the 20 pin ( also possibly 21 pin) use the fenrir link below, go to the top left drop down, select discord support, on the discord go to the beta firmware, and download the latest beta firmware for your fenrir (20 or 21 pin). Using this firmware the mod has been tested and works.

Hope everyone enjoys the WWS23 Update Mod. Hit the Like button and subscribe to the channel for videos on everything sega saturn !!!

Дата на публикация: 28 август, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: and new vs Moves 23 Cut soccer 98 Content sega Worldwide saturn comparison

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