15 Moments Monkey Hunt Brutally by Other Animals

Monkeys are prey to many animals, and even though they can climb trees, it doesn’t mean that they are safe. Have you ever seen a leopard chase a monkey in a tree? If you haven’t, you don’t want to miss this, so let’s get started.

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Leopard Hunting Monkey

If I didn’t know better, I would think that the leopard in this video is more skilled at climbing trees than the monkey it’s chasing. It’s insane how these cats can maneuver by leaping from branch to branch when they chase birds or monkeys in trees. The last move the leopard makes to grab the monkey is mind-blowing. Leopards are skilled at climbing trees, but when you watch this video, you realize the skill this cat has is “out of this world” mind-boggling. Even the monkeys are flabbergasted, but they can move well too, so this time around, they get to live another day. This time, when the leopard hops from branch to branch, he strikes gold, as he can be seen jumping off the tree with the dead monkey in his mouth. Monkeys must pee in their pants when they see leopards approaching since they must be aware of their climbing skills.

Watch how fast and skilled the leopard is, when he rushes up a tree to try and snatch a baboon. The baboon hangs for dear life, by a branch that’s not in the leopard’s reach. However, the leopard doesn’t give up and forces the baboon to jump off the tree and once on the ground, it’s a cinch for the big cat to make the kill. The leopard used speed, skills, agility, and brains to get what he wanted during this hunt. A normal leopard would never dare stalk baboons in broad daylight. The troop appears to be completely unaware of the impending threat. She's out in the open, but she's remarkably unseen. She goes for the kill and comes away with a minor but significant victory. Her cub will be taken care of.

Lion Hunting Monkey

In this video, a lioness resorts to attacking a troop of baboons to satisfy her hunger. She can be seen slowly sneaking up on the unsuspecting primates. Her only chance of a meal is to catch one of the monkeys off-guard and she does exactly that. She can be seen with a dead baboon in her mouth after the chase. But when a few baboons notice her walking away, alarm screams give her away and the entire pride, including males, rush to her and rip the dead baboon out of her mouth and eat it in just a few seconds. Monkeys are good climbers for sure, but it seems like they’re not infallible in this video.

These lions take the baboons at their own game and chase them up these large boulders, where the baboons think they are safe. Lions run twice as fast as baboons, so unless the baboons are flying from tree to tree, they are not getting away from a lion’s grip. A baboon is devoured alive by this lion. This is unusual behavior for lions, as they usually kill their prey before eating it, especially a small baboon. The lion could kill it in seconds, but it just keeps pouncing on it gently, which doesn't kill it but makes it suffer.

Дата на публикация: 24 юли, 2024
Категория: Животни
Ключови думи: MONKEY By 15 Other animals Moments Hunt brutally

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