Messmer the Impaler - RL1, +0 Weapon level, No Blessings/AoW/Aux/Buffs/Parry (Flawless)

Naked mf with a stick and a dream

22 minutes of perfect performance on a single boss fight might be my limit. I'm very proud of this kill, Messmer is (as of right now) my favorite FromSoftware boss in their entire roster. I don't think I will go further than this kill endurance wise though.

I rushed this character to Messmer to do this challenge and was too lazy to do Illusion Godfrey for the last talisman. I likely would've used the green turtle talisman otherwise.

Дата на публикация: 5 юли, 2024
Категория: Друго

The Crossing 01:30:21
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