Doom 3 - Gameplay Nvidia Shield Tablet Android 1080p (Android Games HD)

Doom 3 - Gameplay Nvidia Shield Tablet Android 1080p (Android Games HD)

Download Game Here:

BIG FAT WARNING! This app is forever in beta stage, so if it won't work - just give up or fix that problem by yourself.

The original author of this app is not me (I'm just a publisher, description is written by him). Legal information is available in the end of description.

DIII4A is a port of Dante engine (based on Doom 3 engine) to Android. It is based on GPL source code. Note that THIS APP DOESN'T CONTAIN OR DOWNLOAD ANY OF DOOM 3 DATA FILES, you need to copy "base" folder from Doom 3 game (patched to the latest version, for example you can buy it on Steam: ) to the folder specified in DIII4A launcher (create that folder manually, example of correct path to "base" folder: "/sdcard/diii4a/base" with "/sdcard/diii4a" directory in launcher).

Controls features:
- 10-finger multitouch =)
- Move and resize all controls.
- Hide controls and add more, you can configure opacity for any control.
- Analog movement joystick
- Full mouse support! (with root rights only). This is the only port that supports mouse (at the moment).
- Gamepad and keyboard support just as on your PC: you can rebind buttons in-game or in console for advanced tuning.

Graphics features:
- Lighting can be disable for acceptable performance.
- Textures can be compressed for less RAM usage.
- Configure resolution and color depth by yourself. You can even set 100x100 resolution: all resolutions are supported (except negative values =)).
- Set MSAA for best graphics.

Known issues:
1) Doesn't work on old devices. Very slow on newer. Well, it doesn't work perfect on all devices I know.

GPL source code is included in APK. It is placed in APK\assets\source\.
DIII4A stands for "Decent Invaluable Impressive Incredible game engine FOR All.". All included icons/images were painted by me and are protected by copyright.
Doom is a registered trademark of id Software. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. All trademarks are used under the terms of Fair Use: usage is nominative.
If you think that there are copyright issues in DIII4A, lay down and cry.
Any attempt to remove this app by DMCA notice without contacting me directly first will be really unfair, FSF and community will be notified immediately.

HW Used:
- Nvidia Shield Tablet 16GB
- Avermedia Game Capture HD
- HDMI Splitter (HDCP Bypass device)
- Shield Wireless Controller (if is compatible)

additional tags:
Doom 3 ,
Doom 3 gameplay,
Doom 3 preview,
Doom 3 android,
Doom 3 mobile,
Doom 3 hd,
Doom 3 1080p,
Doom 3 game,

Doom 3 game, Doom 3 , Doom 3 gameplay, Doom 3 preview,Doom 3 android,Doom 3 mobile, Doom 3 hd, Doom 3 1080p, Doom 3 game, android games hd, best android games, best android 3d games,

Дата на публикация: 2 юли, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: Gameplay HD 1080p doom games Shield Android tablet nvidia

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