Tutorial!! Convert PC Cleo To Android By only Using Mobile (.cs to .csa/.csi)

Sorry for late tutorial but this is my 3rd attempt to upload this tutorial i already have uploaded it 2 times but video removed by YouTube. BTW i don't know you will understand it or not but i have given my best ... that's all
___________Download Files_________




Wallride cleo for testing:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SuVpJ1aOqidiN9jvdAaU4ltFv-efNe7h/view?usp=drivesdk

Widget ids=---

0 = enter/exit car
1 = punch/weapon fire
2 = accelerate
3 = brake
4 = handbrake
5 = left arrow
6 = right arrow
7 = claxon/horn
8 = phone
9 = bowties
10 = kiss
11 = fire right
12 =
13 = arrow up
14 = crane magnet car
15 = down arrow
16 = fire left
17 = fire right
18 = camera
19 = target
20 = target
21 = fire right
22 = fire right
23 = fire right
24 = rudal left
25 = remote bomb
26 = rotate left
27 = rotate right
28 = dollar
29 = pistol replace
30 = exhaust / nos
31 = Run
32 =
33 = dive
34 =swim
35 =
36 =
37 = green button
38 = power button
39 = reset button
40 = game analog handle
41 =
42 = arrow right / left screen
43 = arrow up / left screen
44 = arrow up / right screen
45 = arrow down / right screen
46 = arrow up / right screen
47 = arrow down / right screen
48 = arrow left / right down screen
49 = arrow right / right down screen
50 = plus / left screen
51 = minus / leftscreeen
52 = left arrow small
53 = right arrow small
54 = checkmark
55 = man exit arrow
56 = rotate left
57 = $ / bottom right
58 =
59 =
60 =
61 =
62 = plus / right bottom screen
63 = minus / right bottom screen
64 = select a steering method
65 = choose a touch layout
66 = open hand / top left
67 = magnet
68 = Spike strip
69 = checkmark / top left (beating)
70 = checkmark / top left (beating)
71 = X sign
72 = X sign
73 = checkmark right (beating)
74 = man exit arrow right
75 = exit text
76 = left arrow small
77 = right arrow small
78 = start text
79 = right arrow / bottom right
80 = unknow black box
81 = unknow black box
82 = unknow black box
83 = unknow black box
84 =
85 =
86 =
87 = basket net
88 = basket ball
89 = X sign / top left
90 = checkmark / bottom right
91 = divided card with right left arrow
92 = X2 Button
93 = double card with plus symbol
94 = open hand / bottom right
95 =
96 =
97 = up arrow yellow
98 = down arrow blue
99 = left arrow red
100 = right arrow green
101 =
102 = man arrow
103 = unknow black box
104 = unknow black box
106 = grove gang recruit
107 = grove gang remove member
108 = grove gang follow instruction
109 = grove gang stop instruction
110 = grove gang thumb up
111 = grove gang middle finger
112 =
113 =
114 =
115 =
116 =
117 =
118 =
119 =
120 =
121 = plus right arrow
122 = minus left arrow
123 = deal button
124 = hold button
125 = hold button
126 = hold button
127 = hold button
128 = hold button
129 =
130 =
131 =
132 =
133 =
134 = exit button
135 =
136 =
137 =
138 =
139 =
140 =
141 =
142 =
143 =
144 =
145 =
146 =
147 =
148 =
149 = exit text center
150 =

Дата на публикация: 20 май, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: to By only Mobile pc Android Cleo Convert using Tutorial!! .cs .csa.csi

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