Maverick - Meaning, Pronunciation, Examples | How to pronounce Maverick in American English

Want to know how to pronounce Maverick in American English ?

Well, in this video, we will learn the meaning and pronunciation of Maverick in American English with examples having subtitles !!!

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Every example in this video are carefully selected with the intention to make it simple and understandable simultaneously.

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Example videos are taken from below sources -

Nintendo University: real world skills from video games | Liz Fiacco | TEDxChapmanU at

Guy Kawasaki | Long Story Short with Leslie Wilcox at

President Obama and Jay Leno at White House Correspondents Dinner at

The Open Mind: Blues for America - Guy Davis at

The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast at

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Дата на публикация: 10 май, 2024
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: to In How American english Maverick Meaning Pronounce Pronunciation Examples

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