Oh boy, it's the second half of Magnor and I hate it. SS2 has small environments when compared to the other games, but these levels are extra cramped and filled with loads of dumb enemies that spawn from all directions. The infamous giant junkyard level is as you'd expect and I'm just glad it's over.
Up next are the Chinese levels. From what I've played, the levels are really good except for the final level, which sucks because of the increased Wearbull speed and the fact their corpses are very hard to gib and take up a lot of screen-space. I'll probably end up doing all the levels in one vid and saving the final level and boss for it's own episode.
Thanks again for watching and as always, stay Serious!
Sashex's Channel (check it out!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9cF37nKtAkgUE7O_ry8xdg
Link to Serious Sam 2 Overhaul Mod by Sashex: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkJkLWkxdmdaZnRKU2otNnEwb0JTTlVVNjZNZ3xBQ3Jtc0tscmpfUFlXRTZpZTY5T3JSdi1RMVRtc2lDSnpZWktaSEpqNFlFRF9rSGI1aDJJakthSUh4QXFUb2thcDBRYkVVdl9mZ0staG9aSmtVN1JLM2pyUHNiazB6bi1QRkkyS2pEWkZmUmxzNzNJOGhaNk8yUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fj74u4mah2o78yi8%2FSam2OverhaulRXhotfix.zip%2Ffile
Дата на публикация: 8 май, 2024
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