GTA IV 70 Mind Blowing Insane Details

In this video, we explore the open-world masterpiece that is Grand Theft Auto IV and uncover 70 mind-blowing details that make Liberty City feel alive. From the intricate NPC behaviors to the dynamic weather system and hidden Easter eggs, this video showcases the incredible attention to detail Rockstar Games poured into this iconic title. Join us as we delve deep into the world of GTA IV and discover the little things that make a big difference in this gaming classic.

0:00 Hit a tree with car leaves will fall
0:13 Shooting NPC on leg blood will flow
0:31 You can use items as a weapon
0:51 Shoot the tire air will eject
1:23 Car crashes creates different scenarios
2:28 The helicopter fans can break
2:53 Grenade air can push Niko
3:21 Police will arrest when NPC comment crime
3:49 Niko has different reaction to the rain
4:44 Helicopter fans air can create deep hole in water
4:59 You can push NPC into water
5:22 Jumping from moving car can skit Niko
5:34 Standing with NPCs they will abuse Niko
6:08 Cop will not react when Niko carry weapons in front of them
6:25 When you shoot RPG bounce on the ground
6:51 Helicopter fans will break in water
6:59 Niko hands will start shaking when he hold weapon in public
7:17 Footprint in blood is so realistic
7:53 You can shoot gun in cop hands
8:09 Niko can stand on the dead body
8:36 Water physics is better than GTA 5
8:55 Shooting helicopter with RPG varies on point
9:25 Cops wearing rain coat when the rain is raining
9:44 Niko can get out from the start can with switch off
10:11 Jumping from helicopter Niko is rolling
10:29 Pushing NPC on stairs NPC can be injured
10:44 Grenade whieght can break the car windshield
11:01 Niko is cracking figures
11:09 Fire hydrant can activate when fire is around
11:42 When you aim on police firstly they will find to cover
11:51 Helicopter fan vs beach
12:11 Calling 911 Niko will guide police properly
12:53 Car lines on gas's station
13:02 Cops will put hands on wound to stop the blood flow
13:20 You can push sting NPCs into water its not possible in GTA V
13:35 Push NPC items will drop from there hand
13:54 Ride on blood the tire will skirting on blood
14:13 When Niko piking Molotov he will light it
14:26 Some of street lights are flickering
14:43 Niko Mouth will steam when the weather is cold
14:58 When Niko stands on fall NPC he can't get up
15:23 NPCs are using ATMs when you lift they they have more money
15:50 Cops will lose gun handling when you shoot them on arm
16:03 When Niko gunpoint on cops firstly they will arrest him
16:19 Sand details when you drifting the car in it
16:27 Bike crash is so real
16:46 When Niko run faster he will breath deeply
16:59 Jumping from night location
17:19 Dents spears on cars when explosion nearby
18:00 Weapons will not disappears in car accident but this detail is not available in GTA V
18:16 When you fly helicopter leaves and garbage will fly because of fans air
18:44 Niko shield himself from explosion
18:54 NPC will roll from incoming RPGs
19:04 Old car engine make sound and smoke when start
19:25 Break the pole the electric wires will spark so realistic
19:43 Flip the car on road the paint will spear on the road
20:03 Some cars have GPS system
20:34 NPCs will injured from fire brigade water canon but I'm GTA V NPC will die at the spot
20:48 You can donate money to beggars
21:04 When Niko have gun in his hand he will use the gun to snatch the car
21:26 Show the weapons in public will fear
21:40 Grenade can destruction the pole its not possible in GTA 5
21:53 When you beat a women other NPCs will take side of women respect to GTA 4
22:05 Flying helicopter on beach the sand will fly like tornado
22:24 When you hit NPCs by car the NPC blood will pour on the car
22:45 Cop are not using raincoat when they are in the car
23:02 Grenade rolls on the ground
23:17 When you fire in public the NPCs will shouting and jump in to water
23:35 When Niko knockout someone he will get up after some time
23:58 Molotov explosion is so real
24:07 Niko Jumps over the car seat when the car is without roof


Дата на публикация: 24 март, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: 70 mind gta Insane Blowing iv Details

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