Cara Dillon - Clear the Path (Official Video)

'Clear the Path' is taken from Cara's forthcoming album Coming Home, out early 2024.

Director/editor: Odhrán Mullan (@odhranmullan)
Producer: Sam Lakeman
Movement director: Kennedy Junior Muntanga (@kennedyjuniormuntaga)
Dancer: Coralie Calfond (@coraliecalfond)
Cinematographer: Jacob Gibbins (@jacobgibbinsphoto)
Colourist: John Rogers (@colourbyrogers)


Clear the path now.
Weeds have gathered on our ancestral trail.
Singers of songs long gone,
Poets, storytellers, artists, weavers,
Give in now and surrender to them.
Those from whom you came,
The long lines coursing through your veins.
Come on and fan the flames and concentrate,
For it’s written on your son’s face,
That light, shining through,
Blazing, in a moment of grace.

We are the daughters
Of women that we will become.
The trailblazers whose lives will never be done.
For they stood on this self-same soil,
Buried the seeds that germinated, birthed and fed
A new generation of tiny intricacies,
Forgotten family traits and oft-remembered eyes
And hidden talents that reveal themselves
At the strangest of times.

Speak of them,
Search for them,
For they are true.

Speak of them,
Search for them,
For they hold you.

We are the daughters
Of women that we will become,
Whose lives can never be done.
Clear the path, clear the path,
Clear the path, clear the path.

Дата на публикация: 18 март, 2024
Категория: Музика
Ключови думи: The Cara video Official Path clear dillon

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