Brazilian music journalist Roberta Martinelli talks about her relationship with the music industry.

This is Roberta Martinelli, a music specialist journalist that was invited by Qobuz to talk about your relationship with the music industry, your history and what moved her to work and live in the area.
Nowadays, she presents two shows at TV Cultura, "Cultura Livre" and "Prelúdio", and "Som a Pino" at Radio Eldorado.

#CasaDeFrancisca #RobertaMartinelli #Brasil #SaoPaulo #Interview #Qobuz

I'm Roberta Martinelli, I work with musical trusteeship nowadays and also I'm journalist and music
searcher. I graduated from theater, radio and TV courses. I started working on the "Radio Eldorado", that is a FM radio station, commercial of far-reaching at the program "Som a Pino", that is a everyday show that starts at 12pm, and I have worked there for seven years now. And I live for music. Fortunately! What a dream, right?

Eu sou a Roberta Martinelli, faço curadoria hoje em dia e sou essa jornalista e pesquisadora musical. Eu sou formada em teatro e rádio e TV. Comecei a trabalhar na rádio Eldorado que é uma rádio FM,
comercial de grande alcance no Som a Pino, que é um programa diário meio dia, que eu faço ele acho que este ano faz 7 anos. E esse vivo de música. Ainda bem. Que sonho, né?

Je suis Roberta Martinelli, je fais de la curation de nos jours et je suis cette journaliste et chercheuse musicale. Je suis diplômée en théâtre, radio et télévision. J'ai commencé à travailler à la radio Eldorado, une grande station de radio FM commerciale, à l'émission "Som a Pino", qui est diffusée tous les jours à midi. Je pense que cela fait 7 ans que je le fais. Et c'est une émission vivante sur la musique. Heureusement. Quel rêve, n'est-ce pas?
EN, PT & FR subtitles available
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Дата на публикация: 25 февруари, 2024
Категория: Друго
Ключови думи: The music with about her Industry Roberta talks brazilian journalist Relationship Martinelli

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