Tomb Raider 2 Remastered - Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough (PS5)

Tomb Raider 2 Remastered - Full Game Gameplay Walkthrough (No Commentary)
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A complete run of the Tomb Raider 2 Remaster on PS5. Includes all levels from The Great Wall all the way to the Dragon's Lair. This video also acts as a complete walkthrough for all the puzzles, keys, and the direction you need to go in to complete the game. Gameplay captured on PS5 using the Modern Controls Scheme at 1080p 60fps.

Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Staring Lara Croft brings the first three Tomb Raider games to modern platforms. While not a complete remake, the game has been remade in such a way that it feels modern while retaining the core design the original games had. This video goes over Tomb Raider II, the sequel to the original that released in 1997.

Tomb Raider II Level Timeline:

[0:00] The Great Wall
[8:48] Venice
[22:50] Bartoli's Hideout
[37:13] Opera House
[1:04:31] Offshore Rig
[1:22:24] Diving Area
[1:43:25] 40 Fathoms
[1:54:21] Wreck of the Maria Doria
[2:20:18] Living Quarters
[2:36:35] The Deck
[2:52:24] Tibetan Foothills
[3:08:26] Barkhang Monastery
[3:33:59] Catacombs of the Tailon
[3:47:51] Ice Palace
[3:58:27] Temple of Xian
[4:30:14] Floating Islands
[4:46:35] Dragon's Lair
[4:51:41] Home Sweet Home


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Дата на публикация: 14 февруари, 2024
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: Game Full Gameplay Remastered Walkthrough Tomb Raider PS5

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