ALIENS (1986) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details & Things You Missed

ALIENS (1986) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Hidden Details & Things You Missed. In this video, we break down Aliens. We return to dive deeper into the Alien nest to break down all the Easter Eggs, Hidden Details and Things you Missed throughout the Movie. Released in the year 1986 by James Cameron this movie is an all-time classic and really opened up the genre and did things we had never seen before in a film, the Alien Queen the Marines and some outstanding visual effects for the era, this movie really helped to change the Sci-Fi genre.

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Ok, so I think that Aliens is probably up there on the Mount Rushmore of the best sequels ever made. Though this leans far more into being an action movie than the prior entry, it feels like an evolution of what came before, and it naturally builds on character arcs, the xenomorphs backstory, and everything that made that first film a masterpiece. Throughout this video, we're going to be breaking down the movie and going over the themes, hidden details, easter eggs, and other things you may have missed.Now, whereas Ridley Scott said that he actually preferred the original version of the film, James Cameron has said that the Aliens director's cut is his preferred version of the film. Cameron described it as 40 miles of bad road, saying this is a longer and more intense journey through hell.This is the version I'm going to be reviewing for this movie, and if you haven't seen it then I definitely recommend that you watch it over the theatrical version. Aliens is a far faster and more intense story than its predecessor, which is even clearly shown by the title reveal, which happens way quicker than it did in the prior movie.Now, the story itself features the archetypes of Joseph Campbell's "hero's journey," and in case you're unaware of this, it basically provides an outline for a typical hero character. This starts off with a call to action, which is Ripley being asked to go back to LV-426; we then have a refusal like what we see in the film; the aid and mentor can initially be seen as Carter Burker; and then from here we cross the threshold when going to the planet. New allies and enemies are made in the marines and Newt before we get an ordeal in which they discover the xenomorphs. From here, we have the death of the mentor, the battle with the brother, who could both represent Burke, and so on and so forth..

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Дата на публикация: 8 февруари, 2024
Категория: Друго
Ключови думи: You филм Things 1986 Eggs Missed глупости Easter aliens hidden изродски Details Breakdown малоумен

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