Telepathy, How It Really Works, Telepathy Beginners Guide

In the 1960's Cleve Baxter did experiments wherein which he put plants onto a polygram. When he thought about injuring the plant, through the polygraph, responded. As if the plant was capable of perceiving the threat from the other person's thoughts. You can watch a video of Myth Busters trying to disprove this one, and failing, at this link:

In this video, I talk about the role of telepathy in altered states of consciousness, especially NDE experiences. Over the years I've realized that telepathy is really directly linked to the overall sense of synesthesia that arises for people in the spirit world. In an altered state, people perceive things intuitively. Knowledge isn't gained in the spirit world by only looking, hearing, or measuring, direct perception is possible because all phenomena are transparent to intuitive in an altered state of consciousness. This means that when entities communicate in the spirit world they do so through emotions and its the recipient's own thoughts that animate the communication.

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Дата на публикация: 7 декември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: it How Really Beginners Works guide Telepathy

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