😐 Learn English Words: INDIFFERENT - Meaning, Vocabulary with Pictures and Examples

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1. DICHOTOMY ► https://youtu.be/ocALxrFa8w8
2. BIAS ► https://youtu.be/jTNjM0gk3F4
3. ABOLISH ► https://youtu.be/DrlbsoRXC7c
4. INEFFABLE ► https://youtu.be/hJoZ5puMkVE
5. ACCRUE ► https://youtu.be/0wpy8iCBWE4
6. BELIE ► https://youtu.be/KER-sBfcGL0
7. DIATRIBE ► https://youtu.be/AvUFp9lKWC8
8. AESTHETIC ► https://youtu.be/KqIyGog-2jM
9. CORPULENT ► https://youtu.be/kdiUewfqiSE
10. AUDACITY ► https://youtu.be/KHwxkTS5A2k

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What does Indifferent mean? Learn the meaning of Indifferent as we define this advanced vocabulary word with a simple definition, pictures, example sentences, English pronunciation and audio.

Indifferent definition (adjective) not interested in or concerned about something

Indifferent pronunciation: in-dif-er-uh nt

Examples of Indifferent in a sentence:

1. As political aides, we are going door-to-door in hopes of getting indifferent voters to come out to the polls.

2. Because I am not a football fan, I am indifferent to the fact my best friend met a popular football player yesterday.

3. The indifferent look on Matt’s face made it hard for me to understand his mood.

4. Even though Ginger claims to be indifferent to Hank, it is obvious she likes him a great deal.

5. Although the dog barked at Ben, it seemed perfectly indifferent to me and ignored me altogether.

Indifferent synonyms and other related words for Indifferent

apathetic, unconcerned, cool, nonchalant, uninterested, cold, uncaring, aloof, disinterested, listless, detached, impassive, unemotional, dispassionate, unsympathetic, frigid, insensitive, unresponsive, neutral, unmoved, callous, insouciant, unfeeling, careless, heedless, lukewarm, phlegmatic, heartless, lackadaisical, insensible

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Дата на публикация: 2 декември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: and Words with english Pictures Learn Meaning indifferent Vocabulary Examples

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