10 New Features in Microsoft Excel | Fall 2023

This Microsoft Excel tutorial will show you the top 10 updates in MS Excel 365 Desktop and Web for fall 2023. These new MS Excel tips and tricks include improved Check Boxes, Pictures in Cells, Simplified sharing, Interactive pivot charts in Excel for web, PowerAutomate integration and lots more. These time-saving new features in Microsoft Excel are rolling out now for Excel 365 subscribers. To join Office Insiders and get the latest updates in MS Excel 365 Desktop and web, go to https://insider.office.com

Insider and Tech Community Blogs:
✅ Picture in Cells: https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/insert-pictures-in-cells-in-excel?ocid=usoc_TWITTER_M365_spl100004377752085
✅ Control Data Conversions: https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/control-data-conversions-in-excel-for-windows-and-mac
✅ Automate Work in Excel for web: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-october-2023/ba-p/3945988
✅ Interactive PivotCharts in Excel web: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-august-2023/ba-p/3893300
✅ Explore Addins in Excel web: https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/access-and-explore-office-add-ins-in-word-excel-and-powerpoint-for-the-web
✅ Formula Authoring Enhancements: in Excel for web: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/enhance-your-excel-for-the-web-experience-with-new-formula/ba-p/3952743
✅ Formula Suggestions in Excel web: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/introducing-formula-suggestions/ba-p/3844525

📝 Table of contents
0:00 Introduction
0:08 Checkboxes - Excel Desktop 365
1:26 Picture in Cells - Excel Desktop 365
2:28 Simplified Sharing - Excel Desktop 365
3:18 Automatic Data Conversions - Excel Desktop 365
4:29 Power Automate - Excel for web
5:57 Interactive PivotCharts - Excel web
6:40 Explore Addins - Excel web
7:39 Formula Authoring Enhancements - Excel web
8:33 Formula Suggestions - Excel web
8:55 Excel iPad conditional formatting

Excel monthly blogs:
✅ Microsoft Excel new features - October 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-october-2023/ba-p/3945988
✅ Microsoft Excel new features - September 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-september-2023/ba-p/3915215
✅ Microsoft Excel new features - August 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-august-2023/ba-p/3893300
✅ Microsoft Excel new features - July 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-july-2023/ba-p/3867520
✅ Microsoft Excel new features - June 2023: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/excel-blog/what-s-new-in-excel-june-2023/ba-p/3842169

📺 Top 25 Excel tip and tricks: Top 25 Microsoft Excel Tips and Tricks for 2022 // NEW features, hidden gems and time-saving tips
📺 10 Excel new features: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzA2T_KstZU
📺 Excel quick tips playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdHjJccRYryMeSVJ4231nmf-zondK6oK9

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#Excel #MSExcel #Microsoft

Дата на публикация: 23 ноември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: In Fall 10 new Microsoft Excel features 2023

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