(OLD) Half-Life 2 MMod With New Graphics - Weapon Models, Effects, Textures

---Check the pinned comment for updated versions of this video---

Got served right onto the table.

I love the new dynamic smoke particles (+Ultra Particle Effects) made by GeneralEcchi, added them to my mods recently. They drop my framerate though on a 1060 6gb sooo...

I'm playing Half-Life Episode One here and most of these mods aren't shown in the video but I'm going to list my whole setup for all 3 games below:

-Half-Life 2 Update - Updated Lightning etc https://store.steampowered.com/app/290930/HalfLife_2_Update/

-Half-Life MMod (Massive Gameplay Overhaul, particles effetcs animations) for Half-Life 2, Update and Episode One and Two https://www.moddb.com/mods/hl2-ep2-enhased-mod

-Using Reshade with filmic pass and sharpening https://reshade.me/

-Realistic Difficulty Addon (Pretty hardcore, headshots are lethan you die fast and weapons do more damage) https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/10606

-gameinfo.txt tweak for Update and Episodes so the custom resources are in sourcemods/HL2MMod so all 3 games load from the same custom folder instead of having to duplicate multiple tens of gigs worth of files https://gamebanana.com/gamefiles/9469

-Johny Ong's Retextures from Cinematic Mod etc (Old Moddb versions - I find them much better but some textures are quite broken) https://www.moddb.com/mods/half-life-2-hd-remastered-texture-pack/downloads - I deleted quite a few broken textures and bloat from this pack, there is a newer version available but in my opinion uses worse textures and still has some broken so I cant recommend it. I've fixed this version up for myself but its still got quite a few issues but It's the best I could do, here it is https://drive.google.com/file/d/14wBPTrCSGSqD60AKU2iu8-1B5Iu09wUW/view?usp=sharing

-Juniez MMod ports by ShadowRun on Gamebanana, also Manhack and Turret remakes, Blueflytrap's Crowbar and Juniez spas 12 but with old anims included in the legacy file https://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/skins/1389410

-+Ultra Particle Effects https://gamebanana.com/skins/174379

-JersonGaming's HD Item, Decal, Barrel Remakes and more https://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/skins/1455830

-Hev Mark V HD (I made a lighter custom version for myself) https://gamebanana.com/skins/152792

-Enhanced Upscaled Eyes https://gamebanana.com/skins/169992
The best eye retexture but it seems to cause a crosseyed issue and white head textures so I don't use it anymore. You can check if it does it for you.

-Barnacle Sounds Redone https://gamebanana.com/sounds/34086

-Braindead's Classic Vortigaunt https://gamebanana.com/skins/170710

-HD Headcrabs https://gamebanana.com/skins/173526

-Better Zombie Textures https://gamebanana.com/skins/168928

-Lenonax Gman Remake https://gamebanana.com/skins/175749

-HQ Main Characters https://gamebanana.com/skins/126833

-HD Citizens and Rebels https://gamebanana.com/skins/134387

-TheManClaw's Alyx (Using just the face with beta model with some custom textures) https://gamebanana.com/skins/135258

CP Remake https://gamebanana.com/skins/141967

Condensed Animated HUD https://gamebanana.com/guis/34862

HL:A Vanilla Combine Soldiers https://gamebanana.com/skins/176210

Donaldson's Barnacle https://gamebanana.com/skins/141255

HLA Scanner https://gamebanana.com/skins/175997

Blurred Backgrounds Loading Fix https://gamebanana.com/guis/35086

Realistic Weapon Sounds (With some replaced by Monika's Beefy Weapon Sounds from Black Mesa workshop) https://gamebanana.com/sounds/46683 and https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1954333932

Black Mesa Test Chamber Gman Intro https://gamebanana.com/maps/208488

Valve Intro Mix https://gamebanana.com/guis/35357

Half-Life Alyx Headcrab and Zombie Sounds https://gamebanana.com/sounds/46767

Half-Life Alyx Combine sounds https://gamebanana.com/sounds/46792

mat_disable_bloom 1 in autoexec.cfg because bloom is ugly and vsync is off.

Probably forgot some stuff.

Дата на публикация: 20 ноември, 2023
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: new with Old Effects Weapon MODELS TEXTURES graphics Half-Life MMod

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