SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron - Everything You Didn’t Know | SYFY WIRE

You asked for it! Everybody’s favorite, surprisingly violent, mid-90’s action show that mixes equal parts Top Gun and Batman: The Animated Series. That’s right…it’s SWAT KATS: THE RADICAL SQUADRON. As Macho Man Randy Savage would say….YOU MESS WITH THESE KATS, YOU’RE GOING DOOOWN!

#SYFYWIRE #EverythingYouDidntKnow #EYDK #SWATKats

About Everything You Didn't Know:
Who voiced Agents J and K on the Men in Black cartoon? Oh yeah… there was a Men in Black cartoon! Go deep (and we do mean deep) into your favorite TV series of yesteryear… and the ones you may have never heard of (like, at all).

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SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron - Everything You Didn’t Know | SYFY WIRE

Дата на публикация: 20 ноември, 2023
Категория: Трейлъри и анимация
Ключови думи: Know You The Everything wire swat Didn Radical Squadron Syfy Kats

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