Building a $3700 Alienware 1998 Complete Pentium III 3Dfx V2 SLI System

Assembling the "Area 51" top-of-the-line Alienware build from November 1998. We strictly adhere to the part list ensuring every component is included! Including Legendary graphics from Matrox and 3Dfx, featuring the famous dual Voodoo2 SLI setup. Windows 98SE .

0:00 Intro
1:33 Motherboard/RAM/CPU
5:30 Disk Drives
9:15 Video and Audio Cards
13:51 Peripherals
16:39 Build Check List
17:35 Heretic 2
18:42 Dethkarz
20:14 Blood 2: The Chosen
22:14 POD
23:16 Heretic
23:40 Duke3D
24:26 Quake 2
25:40 Quake 3 Arena
27:20 Screamer Rally
28:35 Descent 3
31:07 Need for Speed 3
32:26 End

#retro #computers #alienware

Дата на публикация: 24 септември, 2023
Категория: Наука и технология
Ключови думи: System 1998 Complete v2 III building sli alienware 3dfx Pentium $3700