Заговор на Световния Елит с нова "заплаха"? Мумии инопланетян показали на слушаниях в Конгрессе Мексики | Aliens in Mexico

[ RU ] [ ENG] На слушаниях по НЛО в мексиканском конгрессе показали «тела пришельцев»

[запись прямого эфира от 12 сентября 2023 г.]

Мексиканский уфолог и журналист Хайме Мауссан принес в мексиканский конгресс на слушания по НЛО мумифицированные останки. По словам мужчины, «тела пришельцев» обнаружили на раскопках в Перу.

Радиоуглеродный анализ показал, что останкам уже более тысячи лет. При этом генетический код на 30% отличается от человеческого.

«Эти экземпляры являются частью земной эволюции. Мы нашли останки в местах скопления диатомовых водорослей, а не там, где падало НЛО. Эти разумные существа жили вместе с нами, с людьми. Мы не одиноки!» — заявил Мауссан.

Он также отметил, что после этого открытия наука никогда не будет прежней.

По словам ученого, всего было обнаружено порядка 14 тел. Анализы показали, что форма черепа «пришельцев» схожа с черепом птиц. У неизвестных существ были тонкие и легкие кости, также у них отсутствовали зубы.

Конгресс вел трансляцию в прямом эфире.

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At an official event held by the Mexico Congress on Tuesday, September 12, 2023, two “non-human” corpses, which have been alleged to be of aliens, were unveiled. The bodies were allegedly discovered in Peru’s Cusco in 2017 are believed to be around 1,000 years old.

Jaime Maussan, a Mexican urologist and journalist, was allowed to present the corpses at the event held at the Mexican capital, Mexico City, that was co-hosted by other scientists. Among the attendees was the Executive Director of Americans for Safe Aerospace and former US Navy pilot, Ryan Graves, who claimed to have come across alien sightings during his flights.

The two mummified specimens were unfolded and displayed in windowed boxes, where they were kept lying on a cushioned surface. Addressing the US officials and the members of the Mexican government, Jaime Maussan stated his findings pertaining to the two alleged corpses of extraterrestrial beings.

He assured that the UFO specimens were recently studied by scientists at the Autonomous National University of Mexico. Maussan then added that researchers were able to retrieve DNA evidence from the corpses with the use of radiocarbon dating. However, the Mexican government has not yet confirmed that the two “non-human” corpses belonged to aliens, nor did they confirm the existence of these extraterrestrial beings.

The alien corpses displayed in the Mexico City event have been alleged to be discovered in Peru
The Mexican government held the hearing event not long after the US Congress held a similar public hearing event on the possibilities of UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, which are now named Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Ufologist Jaime Maussan was under oath while discussing his findings on the two corpses.

He said:
"These specimens are not part of our terrestrial evolution...These aren't beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom (algae) mines and were later fossilized."

The corpses were displayed in front of the Mexico Congress to prove that their anatomical structure was different from humans. Moreover, it was claimed that the alien remains were found in a tomb in Nazca, an archaeological site in Peru.

The skeletons are said to pose resemblances with humans in their physical appearance as they had a head, a pair of eyes, two arms, and two legs. However, the distinctive part was that the creatures were believed to have only three fingers.

Дата на публикация: 23 септември, 2023
Категория: Друго

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