New Zombie Games in UNREAL ENGINE 5 and Unity with INSANE GRAPHICS coming out in 2023 and 2024

Take a look at the most ULTRA REALISTIC ZOMBIE Games coming out in 2023 and 2024 currently being developed in Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. INSANE GRAPHICS in one video for you to enjoy!

00:00 Retrieval (Unreal Engine 5)
01:22 Projekt Z: Beyond Order (Unity)
02:11 Killing Floor 3 (Unreal Engine 5)
03:15 Once Human (Unreal Engine 5)
05:24 John Carpenter's Toxic Commando (Unreal Engine 5)
07:13 Neo Berlin 2087 (Unreal Engine 5)
09:07 STALKER 2 (Unreal Engine 5)
10:32 Echoes of the Living (Unreal Engine 4)
11:41 Pioner (Unreal Engine 4)
14:30 Outbreak Island (Unreal Engine 5)
15:40 ILL (Unreal Engine 5)
16:39 Holstin (Unity)
17:34 The Day Before (Unreal Engine 5)
20:36 Arizona Sunshine 2 VR (Unity)
21:09 Blight Survival (Unreal Engine 5)
25:28 State of Decay 3 (Unreal Engine 5)
26:57 The Parasites (Unreal Engine 5)
29:01 Aftermath (Unreal Engine)
31:14 Hellbreach: Vegas (Unreal Engine 4)

#ue5 #unrealengine #unrealengine5


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Дата на публикация: 22 септември, 2023
Категория: Игри
Ключови думи: In and Out new Coming with Zombie engine Insane games Unity unreal 2023 graphics 2024

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