По-полека - Пиано Караоке Кавър / Po-Poleka (Стефан Вълдобрев и Обичайните заподозрени)

Здравейте! Екипът на My Piano Lesson се радва да ви поздрави с пиано кавър - аранжимента си на прекрасната песен на Стефан Вълдобрев и Обичайните заподозрени - "По-полека".
Надяваме се да ви хареса!
Абонирайте се за канала, за да гледате и новите ни клипове. 🎵
★ Урок по пиано на песента "По-полека": https://youtu.be/nLFT90r73n8
★Тук можете да се насладите и на оригиналното изпълнение на песента: https://youtu.be/nlTR052uku0

Чуйте песента (в оригинал) в Spotify: https://goo.gl/2zLyAU
Свалете песента (в оригинал) в iTunes: https://goo.gl/rW3l1v
Купете албума "10½" в Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/YtLsRL
Официална страница: http://www.stefanvaldobrev.com
Facebook страница: http://fb.com/stefanvaldobrev

Hi there! 🎵
My Piano Lesson is greeting you with one of the most beloved Bulgarian songs "Po-Poleka".

You can enjoy the original song here: https://youtu.be/nlTR052uku0
Thank you so much for watching! Click the 🔔bell to stay tuned for the newest releases.

If you like this video, please give a thumb up and subscribe to the channel.
Also feel free to share your thoughts with us:

If you want a tutorial for your favorite song, please leave a comment below.

Follow me on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pg/youtubepianolessons/posts/?ref=page_internal

My Piano Lesson is a youtube channel for music lovers.
Here you can find piano covers and Synthesia midi tutorials of your favorite songs
from beginner to advanced, even impossible level.
With our piano lessons we hope to make the music theory easier and playing the piano more fun and interesting for you.
Browse our video library also to find free piano sheet music, piano step by step (explained) lessons and piano tips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjZ9alVQoKr03jhxYHhzv-g/videos

★ Here you can support the channel by donating and help us stay focused on the good work. We can also buy new equipment for more interesting and better quality videos: https://paypal.me/PianoEasyTutorial?locale.x=en_US
Thank you so much for your support and have a great time with the music!

#ПоПолека #PoPoleka #СтефанВълдобревИОбичайнитеЗаподозрени

Дата на публикация: 31 юли, 2023
Категория: Музика