Young animals are more vulnerable to predator attacks because they can’t defend themselves. Their moms are usually there to defend them, but it’s not always the case. If you want to see some young animals being snatched by predators, this is the time, so let’s get started.
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Lion Hunting Baby Warthog
These lions have killed a pregnant warthog, and they are literally pulling the unborn babies out. I must say, I thought I had seen it all, but I guess I was kidding myself. What a horrible sighting. After a lion snatches a small piglet and finds a place where to eat it, chaos follows as a male lion wants a piece of the pie. This conflict is not about food because the piglet is so tiny, so the male is probably just trying to show his dominance to the pride. A lioness can be seen digging into a dead warthog in this video when she takes a few seconds to stare at the camera. I guess she has a few social media accounts and will use this clip to get as many followers as possible.
These younger lions are playing around with this little piglet when a larger adult comes crashing in and grabs the piglet letting the youngsters understand if they can’t finish the job, they will not eat. The youngsters watch their meals disappear. This pride of lions is on the prowl. Having just completed a hunting lesson with her cubs, a lone lioness heads out on her own to make dinner for her family. It’s not much of a dinner, but it’s better than nothing. A lioness has snatched a small piglet and is slowly prepping the youngster for breakfast. She licks the animal and nibbles on it until she eventually decides to eat it.
Cheetah Hunting Baby Gazelle
In the Masai Mara, a cheetah prepares to ambush a young gazelle. The gazelle takes off when it senses danger, but it’s not enough to get away from the fastest land mammal on the planet. A family of cheetahs fiddles with a young gazelle, and every time the small animal tries to run away, the cats chase it and knock it down. It’s a cruel way of killing prey, but the cheetahs are young and are slowly learning the ropes. All big cats function this way when they want to teach their cubs how to hunt. This Cheetah Mom of three cubs killed a pregnant Grant’s gazelle and you could even see the baby kicking when the cheetah was choking the gazelle.
She made sure she killed the gazelle and then dragged it to a nearby tree to keep it from the vulture's sight, but as the cubs were getting down to the business of eating the gazelle an Egyptian cobra came to pay a visit. It didn't seem to bother the felines, as they kept eating through their prey. These Cubs are perhaps two months old, but still, they are ready for the challenge ahead of them, by killing a baby gazelle. Normally, they begin learning this skill between five and eight months old, but for these guys, I guess Christmas arrived earlier than expected.
Дата на публикация: 21 юли, 2023
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