One of the most important figures of the 20th century was Vladimir Lenin. He would be the head of the Communist Party and would take control of the Soviet Union, but throughout of his life, Lenin experienced a number of assassination attempts on his life. One woman who shot Lenin was Fanny Kaplan, a partially sighted woman who had been imprisoned inside of a hard labour camp for over a decade in Siberia. Her treatment was tough, but she believed Lenin was a traitor to the Revolution and because of this she wanted to take action.
Following visiting a Factory, Lenin approached his car and then Fanny Kaplan shot three bullets at the Leader of the Soviet Union. Two bullets hit him, and one of these was very severe but it's believed that these which were embedded in him led to his death as his strokes could have been caused by them. But for her actions of shooting Lenin, Fanny Kaplan was executed and was shot by an executioner inside of the Alexandra Gardens in Moscow.
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Дата на публикация: 19 юли, 2023
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