Dead Rising is a series of action-adventure games created by Keiji Inafune. It was originally developed by Capcom until Capcom Vancouver took over developing the franchise. As of March 31, 2021, the game series has sold 14 million units worldwide and is currently Capcom's sixth most successful intellectual property.
▌Evolution of Games Playlist:
💰 Here you can buy games at good prices:
0:00 Dead Rising
0:30 Dead Rising (Mobile Java)
1:00 Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop
1:30 Dead Rising 2
2:00 Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
2:30 Dead Rising 2: Case West
3:00 Dead Rising Mobile
3:30 Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
4:00 Dead Rising 3
4:30 Dead Rising 3: Operation Broken Eagle
5:00 Dead Rising 3: Fallen Angel
5:30 Dead Rising 3: Chaos Rising
6:00 Dead Rising 3: The Last Agent
6:30 Super Ultra Dead Rising 3' Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX + α
7:00 Dead Rising 4
7:30 Dead Rising 4: Frank Rising
8:00 Outro
#Evolution #of #DeadRising
Дата на публикация: 6 юли, 2023
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