Otalia | The Complete Story | Guiding Light | Part 1 of 6

This is part 1 of the full love story of Olivia Spencer (Crystal Chappell) and Natalia Rivera (Jessica Leccia) on Guiding Light.

This lesbian love story evolves over the course of 2 years of soap opera tv. The writers took the time for them to slowly go from hating eachother to loving eachother. Because of the writing and amount of time they shared the screens together, the characters and the story have a lot of depth to them. What you won't see a lot of in this compilation is physical intimacy. Back in 2008/2009 gay storylines in soaps were still a new thing and the network and sponsors where afraid of backlash. What the actresses couldn't show in physical affection though, they made up for in their very realistic portrayal of emotions, great chemistry and overall great acting. They, and the writers, did their absolute best with what they could and together they've created a beautiful love story nonetheless.

This is the beginning of their love story from the first time they met on Guiding Light in october 2007 up until the moment Natalia has to decide whether she is wants to donate her husbands heart to save Olivia's life in april of 2008. This while Olivia has been going after her husband Gus for months.

00:00 Deal with the devil
33:19 Life and death
54:39 Someone to lean on
01:09:54 The husband stealer
01:49:58 Package deal
02:15:23 Don't mess with the bride
02:24:33 Missed opportunities
02:40:05 Give me your husband
03:19:07 Till death do us part..or not
03:54:04 Life-changing decisions

Дата на публикация: 21 май, 2023
Категория: Друго

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