Brooklyn & Sage | what about us?


SHOW: Utopia Falls
SHIP: Sagelyn (Brooklyn 2 & Sage 5)

I quickly became obsessed with these two as soon as I saw them on my timeline in twitter!! Seriously, if you guys haven't watched this yet, WATCH IT NOW!!! I started watching for the gay but ended up falling in love with the rest of the characters and the whole storyline!! These two specifically was what made it such an amazing show because its rare to have a wlw relationship where both the girls are main characters and have their own separate, important storylines!! The other show I can name that did that was Runaways but that show is UNFORTUNATELY over (I still cry😭). But hey, Utopia Falls is also from Hulu, so WE LOVE HULU for giving us this rep!

Also, sorry is the music is too loud and you can barely hear or understand the characters talking! I put captions to hopefully help understanding what they're saying!

Дата на публикация: 21 май, 2023
Категория: Трейлъри и анимация

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