Meet the Chief: How Atlanta's Police Department has evolved

Video Series "Meet the Chief" - In this episode, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum talks about how the Georgia's largest law enforcement agency, @atlantapolicedepartment, has evolved since he joined the department in 2002.

In December 2022, Darin Schierbaum was sworn in as Atlanta’s 26th Chief of Police. A proponent of 21st Century Policing, Chief Schierbaum is committed to innovations that improve the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and deepen partnerships between the department and the communities it serves. A native of southern Illinois, he joined APD in 2002 after 10 years with the Johnson County, Illinois Sheriff’s Department. Chief Schierbaum graduated as valedictorian of the APD Academy Class 180 and began his service as a Beat Officer in Zone 5 in Midtown Atlanta. During his twenty years of service with APD, he has held a variety of roles across the city. Prior to this appointment, Schierbaum served as Interim Chief following the retirement of Chief Rodney Bryant in June 2022. Mayor Dickens appointed Schierbaum to the role of APD Chief in October 2022 following an extensive national search and recruitment process.

Watch other videos in this series:
- Get to Know The Chief:
In this episode, we introduce APD Chief Darin Schierbaum.

- The Road to Chief:
In this episode, Chief Schierbaum talks about his background and his 20-year career with APD.

- APD’s Units:
In this episode, Chief Schierbaum provides an overview of APD’s units and expertise.

For more information, visit:
- Atlanta Police Department:
- Mayor Andre Dickens' One Safe City plan:


Дата на публикация: 27 март, 2023
Категория: Пътуване и събития