Do you know how to use Facebook anonymously? Facebook tracks you all over the web and to regain your online privacy, you need stop Facebook tracking mechanisms.
In this video, you'll learn how to stop Facebook tracking.
How much Facebook knows about you? Everything: Learnt to protect yourself from hackers and doxxing and secure your Facebook account.
How to use Facebook anonymously
Facebook onion link for Tor https://www.facebookcorewwwi.onion/
This is part of my tutorial on how to use Facebook anonymously. The package comes with advanced online privacy protection, malware prevention, and firewall against hackers and governments. This is an unbreakable shield, but it's enough to to eliminate all potential attackers if you are a law abiding citizen.
Protect your online privacy from Facebook tracking AI and advertisements. Protect your online identity. Protect your Facebook account from getting hacked or doxxed.
Even though this tutorial to use Facebook anonymously primarily targets Facebook users, it's extremely useful to everyone on the Internet. Facebook tracks you even after you logged or don't have a Facebook account. You don't have a choice to opt out. Facebook has hundreds of partners and mergers who never care to disclose their privacy policy to you. You are victim of the biggest organized cyber theft of century. Secure your Facebook account and protect your browsing and online activities from getting tracked by Facebook.
Facebook selling your private information - stop Facebook spying on you
You can’t trust Facebook with your data. Facebook works with over 190 marketing partners that work with thousands upon thousands of retailers and advertisers. All of your Facebook data are shared with hundreds of data brokering companies, all of which are equally vulnerable to cyber attacks like the one that happened to Equifax. Data brokers who bought your data from Facebook will sell it with your real life identity to whomever is willing to pay for that, without checking the background of their clients.
I advise you to watch my breakdown of how and where Facebook collects and sells all of your personal information and online and offline activities.
Take back your online security and privacy. Today, we are going to start with Facebook, the most popular social media platform with over two billion monthly active users.
Securing your online presence is like securing your house – you just add layers of security features like multiple locks, alarms, and a bunch of starving dogs, to give criminals more obstacles to overcome before they can get it.
Facebook uses your assigned identification code to track you across platforms and even on your phone. If you use Facebook apps, you give Facebook access to know what other apps you have installed on your device, and all other personal information Facebook got permission to access.
Facebook will take all your private information and match them with your credit card credentials, to link your online activities to purchases in physical and online stores.
In order to achieve that, you need a browser that deletes all Facebook’s trackers each time you close it. So that when you restart your browser, a new session will start and Facebook won’t have any access to them.
You can either use Tor for all of your Internet traffic. Or set up privacy configured Firefox and have a separate browser for surfing the Internet and a separate one for your online identities.
Tor makes it difficult for an observing government agency or an advertiser to correlate your browsing history with your real-life identity.
You can blacklist Facebook trackers, together with Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple and others that you might come across. You can choose which content you want to allow to run.
this is a privacy configuration but this is also essential protection from malware, hackers, and viruses on the Internet.
Another good security measure is to have a separate email address just for Facebook. Your Facebook account is probably going to be primary target for hackers. Similarly to having an anonymous phone number, if your email address doesn’t tie back to your real name, it’s a plus.
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Дата на публикация: 26 февруари, 2023
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