Happy Halloween!!
Hey everyone! As promised, here is part 3 of The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book. I had so much fun making this one and I'm so happy to share it with you.
In this special Halloween Edition (Finale), I wear 15 different Halloween costumes, sponsored by www.ForplayCatalog.com!
This one in particular took a little longer between changes because of so many different styles including hair and makeup but it was still a blast. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Halloween! Please don't drink and drive! Always remember to assign a designated driver.
The Melanie Iglesias Flip Book is a stop motion video made up of approximately 2,000 photos featuring Melanie Iglesias changing into different outfits. Photographed by Michael Creagh in just one take. No photos have been retouched.
Watch behind the scenes footage of this Flip Book:
For the sexiest Halloween costumes visit http://www.ForplayCatalog.com
Music: "Free Fall" by Grand Staff. Go to http://www.GrandStaff.BandCamp.com to get all 3 songs featured in the Melanie Iglesias Flip Book.
Photographer info:
Website: http://michaelcreagh.net
Blog: http://michaelcreagh.me
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MichaelCreaghPhotography
Special THANK YOU to Sxephil and the rest of the Philly D nation for their undying support and feedback. Love you guys! You're awesome.
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Дата на публикация: 26 февруари, 2023
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